Isor sãote jopoṛao ar Daṛe ńam
Probhu, sodor, provision ar sonot at́ma reaḱ ạidạri hotete Isor do abo sãoteye roṛeda.
Menkhan Isor sãote sạriaḱ jopoṛao do eken ańjom khon hõ bạṛti jạruṛa.
Ona reaḱ mane do hoyoḱ kana aboaḱ mone reaḱ katha roṛ ar serma Baba sãote sạriaḱ sombond benao.
Aboak̕ atma jion re koejoṅ reak̕ ạidạri sendra ńam reak̕ noa saṅgar re abo sãote joṛao tahenpe.
Nehor reak̕ udgạu ar kạmi
Koejoṅ do Isor ṭhen ontor jhić ocoe, uni sãote gateḱ benao mente bujhạu.
Isor ṭhen seṭer ar uniak’ daṛe ar ạyur ńam lạgit’ koejoṅ do baḍaeok’ kana.
Jisu do aboaḱ nạmuna leka te ńel kate, okoe do Baba sãote jopoṛao lạgit́ te koejoṅ reye pạtiạuḱ kan tahẽkana ar daṛe reaḱ nãwã jinis ko khoj keda.
Abo leka kombṛo, kại hoṛko lạgit́ ạḍi usạrate, ạḍi usạrate koejoṅ reaḱ jạruṛte jor em kate.
Indulge in a lavish escape with our Luxury Retreat RV rentals. Experience the epitome of comfort and style as you embark on a memorable journey filled with opulence and adventure.
Indulge in a lavish escape with our Luxury Retreat RV rentals. Experience the epitome of comfort and style as you embark on a memorable journey filled with opulence and adventure.
Koejoṅ reak̕ ạidạri
Ona bujhạu kate je aboren serma Baba do aboaḱ koejoṅ ar ạḍi ãṭe khoj kana jemon abo cetan re aćaḱ bhor emoḱ.
Isor ak’ ạḍi maraṅ dulạṛ ar aboak’ koejoṅ ar biswas dohoe reak’ monsubạ reak’ bebạric’ kạmi reaḱ hudis.
Isor ṭhen khon serma goḍet ko oka rạskạ ar jopoṛao ko ńam ona ko hudis kate ar ona do aboaḱ nij at́ma reaḱ calaḱ sãote tuḍak̕ kate.
Prabhab Koejoṅ reak̕ Sạriạk̕ ar Elements
Isor cetan re aboak’ dependence bujhạu ar koejoṅ hotete uniak’ goṛo ńam reak’ jạruṛ menak’a mente bujhạu.
Effective koejoṅ lạgit́ te baḍaeok̕ kại ko aṅgoć ar kại khon mon ạcur reaḱ jạruṛ bujhạu.
Aboak’ koejoṅ ańjom ar jobab em lạgit’ Isorak’ monsubạ re biswas ạḍi jạruṛa, jemon ona reak’ okte ar ona reak’ jo do aboak’ sana khon judạ ge hoelenre hõ.
Isor ṭhen khon ạḍi usạrate koejoṅ dohoe reaḱ hõ ạḍi usạrate kạmi reaḱ jạruṛte jor em kate.
Indulge in a lavish escape with our Luxury Retreat RV rentals. Experience the epitome of comfort and style as you embark on a memorable journey filled with opulence and adventure.
Indulge in a lavish escape with our Luxury Retreat RV rentals. Experience the epitome of comfort and style as you embark on a memorable journey filled with opulence and adventure.
Practice re koejoṅ
Aema lekan seṭing re koejoṅ uskur: apnar, gharońj, jạt ar gujuḱ.
Aboak̕ sana, rạskạ, duk, bhabna ar botor Isor samaṅre ạgu reak̕ lab ko so̠do̠r.
Bujhạu je koejoṅ lạgit́ te cet́́ hõ somoe se jaega do baṅ jạruṛa, ar cet́́ hõ bhabna do Isoraḱ nạmuna lạgit́ te ạḍi kạṭić gea.
Jisuaḱ ńutum te koejoṅ reaḱ mane re jor em kate, aboaḱ mon ar at́ma do uniaḱ ńutum te ạḍi jạruṛ menaḱa.
Somaj re koejoṅ
Isorak’ sewa re mit’-mit’ te keṭec’ ar uskur lạgit’ Isại hoṛ leka mit’re hec’ reak’ dam aṅgoć.
Atma reaḱ bạṛti kạmi ar Isoraḱ dulạṛ reaḱ hạṭiń lạgit́ somaj reaḱ kạmi reaḱ jạruṛ bujhạu.
Fellowship ar sãota hotete eṭaḱ ko lạgit́ sahao ar daya ạkil ạḍi jạruṛa.
Indulge in a lavish escape with our Luxury Retreat RV rentals. Experience the epitome of comfort and style as you embark on a memorable journey filled with opulence and adventure.
Koejoṅ hotete aboren serma Baba sãote sạriaḱ sombond benao kate abo do uniaḱ ạḍi maraṅ dulạṛ bon ńam eda ar uniaḱ heć reaḱ bodol daṛe bon aṭkar daṛeaḱa.
Koejoṅ reak̕ ạḍi jạruṛ:
Maraṅ koejoṅ jion reaḱ chabi
Divine sãote ạḍi jạruṛan ạri-cạli lekate koejoṅ reaḱ ḍher gạhir ạri-cạli do ńam me, okaṭaḱ re ontor do gate leka Isor ṭhen jhić ena, ar cet́ leka koejoṅ do at́ma jion ar daṛe lạgit́ ạḍi jạruṛan ḍạr lekate kạmi kana ona cecet́ me.
Koejoṅ reaḱ Jisuaḱ cecet́aḱ ko, ạḍi usạrate koejoṅ reaḱ sạriạḱ ko ar pạtiạr, ạḍi usạrate koejoṅ re ạḍi usạrate ạḍi usạrate ạḍi usạrate ạḍi usạrate ạḍi usạrate ạḍi usạrate koejoṅ reaḱ cecet́aḱ ko sodor me.
Noa series hotete, apnar ar jạt pạrsi reaḱ koejoṅ reaḱ jạruṛte, ar biḍạu khon bańcao ar Isor sãote jopoṛao dohoe reaḱ koejoṅ jion reaḱ bhumika reaḱ ạkil ńam me.